Rain Gauge Kategori General
(code : 0514)
Bucket type 100 cm2 mouth area, made of metal sheet, supplied
complete with measuring glass with special scale.
hubungi kami : 0813 2006 6151 (BIAND) dan dapatkan harga spesial dari kami
Supplier, Distributor, Produsen Alat Uji Laboratorium Sipil, Alat Ukur Laboratorium Teknik Sipil, Alat Ukur Pertambangan ,Testing Equipment For : Soil , Concrete , Aggregate , Asphalt Cement , Mining & General Machine, alat uji Tanah , alat uji Beton , alat uji Batuan , alat uji Semen , alat uji General , Alat uji Laboratorium Teknik Sipil , Alat Uji Laboratorium Tanah , Alat Uji Laboratorium Batuan , Alat Uji Laboratorium Aspal , Alat Uji Laboratorium